Student and New Graduate Coaching
What to Expect
Welcome to coaching! If you've never had coaching before, or if you have but are curious what my approach is like, I have provided a description of my process below so that you know what to expect from our time together.
If you've been referred to me for a coaching session, the first thing to know is that what you share is confidential. If another entity (like your educational program) is paying for coaching, I will report attendance but that is it. I do not provide summaries of what we discussed or tell anyone else anything you have said (unless you explicitly ask me to speak to someone for a specific purpose OR if you report harm to yourself or others, which I am ethically required to report).

Initial Session
Coaching is about your goals - what you value, what you hope to achieve, and how the strengths you already possess can be leveraged to get you there. I use inquiry and active listening to facilitate your problem solving and goal setting.
During our first session, I will ask you a series of questions aimed at understanding where you are and where you'd like to be, what types of problem solving techniques you most commonly use, and what strategies might be available to you but not yet in regular practice.
You will leave with short term goals to immediately begin working toward, each of which will take you closer to your bigger, longer term goals.
Follow Up Sessions
At follow up sessions, we review the status of your short term goals. We will celebrate successes and discuss the potential to scale high impact strategies to other goals you may have. If you made less headway than you had hoped in between sessions, we spend time discussing what may have gotten in the way. These conversations are incredibly helpful in devising creative solutions to recurrent problems. You will leave each follow up session with a clearly articulated plan to keep moving towards your goals.